Magic Farm Review: Not What You Think It’s About
With stunning visual style, hilarious dynamics and a twist that will hit you at the very end, Magic Farm is an irresistible gem from writer-director Amalia Ulman.
Blue Moon Review: Hawke Shines in Layered Biopic
Ethan Hawke is superb as lyricist Lorenz Hart in Richard Linklater’s Blue Moon, the claustrophobic character study of an unhappy, delusional, self-aware artist.
Lesbian Space Princess Review: A New Classic
Lesbian Space Princess is a hilarious and heartfelt animated adventure that mixes absurd comedy with a surprisingly touching message of self-discovery.
What Marielle Knows Review: Razor-Sharp Comedy
What Marielle Knows (Was Marielle Weiß) is a sharp, pointed comedy that deconstructs the “perfect” family dynamic in endlessly creative ways.
If I Had Legs I’d Kick You: Film Review
With an arsenal of disastrous daily inconveniences, If I Had Legs I’d Kick You crushes your nervous system under the suffocating weight of modern motherhood.
Mad Bills to Pay (or Destiny, Dile Que No Soy Malo) Review
Joel Alfonso Vargas’ debut feature Mad Bills to Pay (or Destiny, Dile Que No Soy Malo) is a poignant, quietly infuriating look at how circumstance makes us who we are.
Late Shift (Heldin) Film Review: A Tense Ride
A late shift on a hospital ward turns into chaos in Late Shift (Heldin) when a nurse is left to treat more patients than she can manage and things begin to spiral out of control.
Special Operation Review: The Invasion of Chornobyl
Oleksiy Radynski’s Special Operation (Spetsialna Operatsiia) is a chilling experiment in documentary narrative that tries to speak for itself.
The Narrow Road to the Deep North Review
Justin Kurzel’s upcoming miniseries The Narrow Road To The Deep North is a sharp, illicit drama that’s much more concerned with its characters than painting an immersive portrait of war.
Peter Hujar’s Day Review: Deceptively Simple
Ira Sach’s Peter Hujar’s Day isn’t really about what its title would suggest, focusing more on our universal need for connection than the titular 24 hours.