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A Cherry Pie to Die For: Twin Peaks’ Recipe

David Lynch’s Twin Peaks is a den of iconic objects. Do you remember Norma Jenning’s cherry pie? Here’s a step-by-step recipe.

With David Lynch’s Twin Peaks celebrating its thirtieth anniversary this year, it’s only high time we delved into the secrets of cherry-pie making. Norma Jenning’s so-famous-it’s-infamous gooey red dessert has been filling the mouths and the hearts of the inhabitants of Twin Peaks, Washington, for exactly three decades now and the only reason for that is: it is delicious. So why don’t we try and replicate it while indulging in a wholesome re-watch of Lynch’s masterpiece-in-progress? Here’s a super simple no-fuss recipe to make your taste buds flower.

THE Cherry Pie

What you’ll need for the crust:

cherrie pie twin peaks
Cherry Pie (Unsplash)
  • A 20cm-wide pie pan
  • 200g all-purpose flour
  • 10g caster sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 15ml white vinegar
  • 150g cold butter
  • 75ml cold water

What you’ll need for the filling:

  • 1kg fresh pitted cherries
  • 65g brown sugar
  • 50g butter
  • 15g corn starch
  • A bit of almond extract
  • A pinch of salt
  • 10ml freshly-squeezed orange juice


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon milk

To make the crust, put all your dry ingredients into a bowl. Mix your water and your vinegar and set aside. Take the butter out of the fridge and start kneading it into your dry ingredients with the tips of your fingers. You can also use a high-power blender. After a short while, your mix should look light and flaky. Pour in the water one bit at a time. Knead the dough into a ball and shove it into the fridge. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes.

In the meanwhile, place your cherries into a large pan. Mix them with sugar and butter and let it cook on medium heat until it’s almost simmering. Mix your starch with a bit of orange juice – it should look creamy and milky. As the cherries reach a boil, let them simmer for another 2 minutes, then add the starch mixture. Let it thicken, then take off the heat and let it cool completely.

Once crust resting time’s over, take it out of the fridge and cut it into two portions – one should almost double the other. Roll out your bigger portion of dough in a 3mm-thick roundish figure. Line your baking pan with parchment paper and move your rolled-out dough into the pan. Pour the filling into your crust – don’t be shy with those juicy juices! Roll out the remaining dough and cut it into wide strings. Delicately cross the strings onto the filling to create a net. Poke down the edges of the crust so as to seal it. Whisk milk and egg yolk together and paint the surface of the dough with the mixture. Shove the pie into a 170°C pre-heated convection oven (180°C if traditional) for about 40 to 45 minutes.

Serve with a spoonful of delicious ice cream of choice, and enjoy!

Loud and Clear reviews Twin Peaks Cherry Pie recipe
Twin Peaks’ Cherry Pie (CBS)
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