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Halloween Recipe: The Ultimate Pumpkin Treats

Recipe: Halloween movie nights would be no fun without the perfect combination of pumpkin treats and homies. We cannot cater for the latter, but as far as the former is concerned…

This is going to be a different Halloween. From social distancing to pseudo-lockdown, October 2020 has proved to be one of the most challenging months in our lives so far. But we shall overcome and, just like the dead on Halloween, we will rise from our ashes. And treats are more than needed in the process – so just pretend we’re back in Spring 2020, gently raid your local supermarket and let’s get this done: every little ghost deserves a slice of pumpkin pie on the night of October 31st.


Halloween Recipe: The Ultimate Pumpkin Treats – Pancakes (Prateek Katyal/Unsplash)

Deliciousness should cater for all, so here we start with a guilt-free vegan pancake recipe. There are a thousand and one variations to this basic recipe – you’re welcome to share your results with us by tagging @loudandclear on Instagram! For one serving of choco-pumpkin pancakes, you are going to need:

  • 65g of plain flour
  • 65g of wholemeal flour
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • Vanilla extract
  • Mashed pumpkin pulp
  • 50g – 100g chocolate chips
  • 30g of brown sugar
  • A generous pinch of salt
  • 150ml of vegetable milk of choice

To begin with, mix all of our dry ingredients together. As you do so, make sure you whisk baking powder and salt into the mixture in two separate batches – if you don’t, the salt will kill your baking powder aka no more fluffy pancakes for you. Leave the chocolate chips out at this stage. Mix all of your wet ingredients together and add them onto our dry mixture. Pumpkin tip! To have a perfectly mashed pumpkin purée, just bake one pumpkin for approx. 50’-80’. Make sure you wrap it in tin foil so the surface won’t burn. Dust your chocolate chips with flour and then add them to the pancake batter. Pre-heat a non-stick pan and then cook each pancake for ca. 3’ per side on a low heat. Enjoy with a swirl of maple syrup or vegetable whipped cream on the side!


Halloween Recipe: The Ultimate Pumpkin Treats – Pumpkin Muffins (Yehor Milohrodskyi/Unsplash)

It’s not a festive party if it doesn’t entail muffins. Hearty, cute, over-satisfying. Muffins are more than an institution – wait for me until I find the right words to define them. Here’s a recipe that will bring a nice orangey twist to your muffin culture ™. You will need:

  • 200g mashed pumpkin pulp
  • 150g brown sugar
  • 140g sour cream
  • 1 egg
  • Soda carbonate
  • Powdered cinnamon
  • One pinch of grated nutmeg

To start with, whish your sour cream and sugar together very briefly – you don’t want your sour cream to turn into butter. Gently add the egg to the mixture. Mix all of your dry ingredients and gently add them to the batter. Finally, mix in the mashed pumpkin pulp. Bake in a pre-heated oven (traditional: 175°C, convection: 165°C) for ca. 20-25’ or until a toothpick comes out clean of the muffins.


Halloween Recipe: the ultimate pumpkin treats to make for a spookily delicious evening! Movie nights would be no fun without kickass food.
Halloween Recipe: The Ultimate Pumpkin Treats – Pumpkins (David Menidrey/Unsplash)

…and since I haven’t received any sweets from you yet, here’s my trick for you. A recipe which is not about anything sweet but that taps into the savoury flavourfulness of pumpkins, plump goddesses of cold months. For a super-duper veggie side to ANY dish you like, here’s what you’re going to need:

  • Mushroom of choice, sliced
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • Rosemary, fresh
  • Baby potatoes, halved
  • Pumpkin, diced
  • Evo olive oil
  • Salt, pepper

Wash all of your vegetables and place them onto a baking tray. Sprinkle them with olive oil and season them with pepper and salt to taste. Bake them in a pre-heated oven at 180°C convection and enjoy them with – well, your favourite main!

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