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Bluey: 5 Best Episodes of Chilli

Three main characters of the series Bluey sit on a bench

When Chilli is given the spotlight, her 5 best episodes of Bluey show the dizzying highs and terrifying lows of motherhood in emotionally honest ways.

Time and time again, Bluey has challenged some of the more accepted notions of parenting – and motherhood – in children’s programming. Voiced by Melanie Zanetti, Chilli’s best episodes come from unexpected places, but they’re as emotionally resonant as any, and often rank among the best of the series. Here are 5, ranked from worst to best.


Season 1, Episode 22

Chilli iswalksunderwater in the Blue episode The pool
Bluey: 5 Best Episodes of Chilli, ranked from worst to best – “The Pool” (Disney Plus)

It’s not that Chilli had nothing to do before season 1’s “The Pool”, it’s just that none of the preceding episodes really focused on her. “The Pool” actually barely features Bluey and Bingo’s Mum, Chilli, but it shows how important she is in her family’s life through her absence. When Bluey, Bingo, and Bandit rush out the door to play at their friend’s pool, the excitement is tampered with every time Bandit realizes they’ve forgotten a vital piece of swimming equipment. Of course, it comes after Bluey espouses how utterly boring their Mum is because she’s constantly reminding them of what needs to be done. “The Pool” may not be the funniest or the most emotional episode in Bluey history, but it’s just as smartly executed and show’s why Chilli is a vital part of the show.


Season 3 Episode 12

Three characters of Bluey stand on a porch in Sheep Dog, one of the 5 Best Episodes of Chilli according to Loud and Clear Reviews
Bluey: 5 Best Episodes of Chilli, ranked from worst to best – “Sheep Dog” (Disney Plus)

“Sometimes moms just need 20 minutes” is a pretty radical message to have in kids entertainment, and it’s exactly what season 3’s “Sheep Dog” is all about. It’s a message that understandably leaves Bluey rattled after Chilli demands a brief reprieve from the constant noise and busy-ness that comes with young kids. Yes, the episode mostly revolves around Bandit and his efforts to keep Bluey and Bingo away from Chilli – along with a funny running gag about Bandit’s horrendous haircut – but it’s a refreshingly honest perspective on motherhood as only Bluey could achieve.


Season 3 Episode 40

Chilli sits on a chair on the beach in one of the 5 Best Episodes of Bluey according to Loud and Clear Reviews
Bluey: 5 Best Episodes of Chilli, ranked from worst to best – “Relax” (Disney Plus)

Vacations are meant to be relaxing, but as any parent that’s taken their kids anywhere knows, it can be just as stressful as anything. By the time the season 3 episode “Relax” came around, Bluey had already tackled a number of complex, adult-centric themes, but this episode shows parents – Chilli in particular – as flawed in a new way. All Chilli wants to do once the family arrives at their beach condo is go to the beach and relax, but Bluey and Bingo simply want to explore and play in their new, temporary home.

Most shows would show Chilli’s final moment of freedom on the beach by herself as just that, but Bluey stays true to life, as really unwinding is easier said than done. Because deep down, as much as we desire every sliver of independence which we can get from our kids, parents know that experiences are enhanced by spending time with the ones we love.


Season 2 Episode 12

Chilli catches a Gecko in the Bluey episode Sticky Gecko
Bluey: 5 Best Episodes of Bingo, ranked from worst to best – “Sticky Gecko” (Disney Plus)

Chilli gets her own version of season 1’s “Take Away” with the season 2 episode “Sticky Gecko”. Besides being an incredibly stressful 8 minutes and taking place within a single location – the Heeler’s foyer, in this instance – the episode gives Chilli another chance to show why she’s a great parent. In true Bluey fashion, Bluey and Bingo need to leave for a playdate, but are too concerned with games and distractions. The creators of Bluey could have easily made Chilli the stern voice of reason as she shepherds the kids out the door, but she juggles all of the kids’ eccentricities with the patience of a saint. She even handles the most annoying game in the world – Bluey constantly asking her “why?” – without losing her patience. If that’s not Mom of the Year behavior, I don’t know what is.


Season 2 Episode 50

Two Bluey characters put nappies on their babies in Baby Race, one of the 5 Best Episodes of Chilli according to Loud and Clear Reviews
Bluey: 5 Best Episodes of Chilli, ranked from worst to best – “Baby Race” (Disney Plus)

How many other children’s shows could tackle the very real phenomena of mom guilt in such a smart, authentic way besides Bluey? Another episode that’s hailed as one of the series’ best, “Baby Race” not only shows Bluey’s infancy for the first time, but does so in a very real, emotionally devastating way. By retelling Bluey’s first milestones – sitting up, crawling, scooting, walking, etc. – from Chilli’s perspective, Bluey keys us into the struggles of motherhood that are nearly universal. For as much as we secretly know that raising children isn’t a competition, there’s something about your kids doing something first that generates a different sense of pride. And when they “fall behind”, it can be just as hard, in spite of everyone telling you the opposite. Sometimes all you need is for someone to tell you you’re doing a good job. 

Two new episodes of the series Bluey are now available to watch on Disney Plus. The remaining new episode, “Surprise!” (S3E49), will be available to stream on April 21, 2024. Read our list of 5 best episodes of the show’s other characters:

Bluey: Supporting Characters’ 5 Best Episodes – Loud And Clear
These 5 episodes of Bluey show how the supporting characters of Bluey have led some of the best episodes of the series.
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