3 Deliciously Easy Smoothie Recipes

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Tropical temperatures are no incentive to meal-prep. Still, outside the realm of buddha bowls and caprese salads, there’s a mega-easy, hyper-hip variation on the Queen-Cold-of-summer theme: juicy smoothies that will keep you company and – why not – entertain you to chilled perfection at the peak of the season. If you have no clue where to start from, just open the gates of creativity – and follow our three recipe hints. They come 100% guaranteed and highly recommend by yours truly and faithfully, Muse of the Cinematic Kitchen aka my despicable self.

But first, let’s indulge in every reader’s guilty pleasure – definitions! What the f**k is a smoothie? Smoothies are blends of liquid, usually fruit, and any other colour (literally!) you like. Ok, now we’re all set. Let’s get started.


smoothie recipe strawberries bananas
Banana Smoothie (Content Pixie/Unsplash)

Banana smoothies are for sinners. That’s a fact – that I love them is also a fact. Roll along, I’m providing grounds for this statement straight away. Grab a blender or a mixer of sorts (this is literally the only semi-fancy thing you’ll need as novices in the art of smoothie-blending). Pour into your blender one glass of milk of choice, one banana (frozen in advance for extra luscious creaminess), one or two dates, a sprinkle of ground cinnamon and a spoonful of your favourite nut spread – yeah, I mean choco-halzenut deliciousness here. Blend until perfection. All recipes serve one. Extra tip! If, for unfathomable reasons, you don’t like the idea of freezing bananas or if you just happened to forget everything about this step – don’t panic! You’ll get the same juicy result by adding a couple of ice cubes into the blender.


smoothie recipe strawberries berries
Berry Smoothie (Francesca Hotchin/Unsplash)

Preamble: I think you can skip the freezing bit for this one. Put one to two handfuls of mixed berries into your blender. Add half a glass of milk of choice and a teaspoon of maple syrup (you can substitute this with honey). Add a squeeze of vanilla paste as well. I like to feel a little bit of added crunch in this smoothie, so what I do is I add about a spoonful of grounded coconut too. This will also give an energetic exotic note to your drink. Blend everything until smooth and delicious! You can add a quarter of frozen avocado of half a frozen banana for a pinch of extra creaminess.


smoothie recipe strawberries
Strawberries (Halacious/Unsplash)

The very bad play on words in the title just means that we’re going to use strawberries as our main fruit ingredient for this last smoothie. What we are going to do is putting a handful of strawberries in our blender. Then, we want to add a handful of fresh spinach as well – play along, this is going to taste superb. Also add a teeny tiny piece of fresh ginger. Don’t forget to add a glass of milk of choice. At this point, it’s up to you! If you like a sweeter smoothie, you can add one date to your blend. If you prefer to a plainer smoothie, just leave the date out. What will your next best summer buddy be?

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