Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery Film Review
Glass Onion ups the twists and scale from Rian Johnson’s Knives Out, while delivering fresh, subversive layers that maintain what made it great to begin with.
In Front of Your Face: Film Review
Prolific director Hong Sang-soo is on fine form again with In Front of Your Face, as he channels the beauty of life’s simplicities into his well-drawn characters.
Decision to Leave: Film Review
Decision to Leave has Park Chan-wook operating in his most narratively restrained manner yet delivering an impressive feature I could call some of his best work to date.
Moonage Daydream Film Review: The Prettiest Star
Moonage Daydream is a kaleidoscopic and unique venture that radiantly and stylistically explores the magisterial talents of one of the best artists ever to grace the stage.
Joyland (2019) Review: Repressed Desires & Gender Roles
Saim Sadiq’s feature-length directorial debut, Joyland, is a fearless, elegant, and humanistically poignant portrait of repressed desires and gender roles.
Viking Review: Ambiguous Space Character Study
Through its ambiguous and cold nature, Viking is a character study that constantly has you asking, “Who are the real characters we’re studying?”