Frequently Asked Questions

Can I join your team as a writer?

Of course you can! Take a look at our Join Our Team page.

What do your ratings mean?

Our ratings work on a scale from 1 to 5 and we also include .5 grades. We like to recognize the work that went into making a film, even if that film turned out to be a misfire, so we hardly ever grade films lower than 2 stars. Here’s what our ratings mean:

lower than 2 stars = a film that is morally wrong in some way
2 stars = a very bad film
2.5 stars = a bad film
3 stars = an average film
3.5 stars = a good film
4 stars = a great film
4.5 stars = an excellent film
5 stars = one of the best films we’ve ever seen

What’s with the ads?

The ads on Loud and Clear Reviews are used exclusively to keep the site running: they pay for our servers, company address, taxes, and site expenses, and it’s how we manage to keep the content on the site free for everyone to read.

Can I support the site in any way?

We love that you’re reading us! We’d never ask you to pay for our content, but we’d really appreciate your support. If you’d like to help us continue to bring you our coverage of films and TV, you can send us a donation!

Do you have a newsletter?

We do! It’s lovingly curated by our writers, and each email comes with movie recommendations and an exclusive editorial written by one of us. It’s ad-free, and you’ll only hear from us once a month. Subscribe here!

Where do I find you on Social Media?

Can I advertise with you?

Yes! We offer different banner ad sizes and placements. For more information, email us!

I have a different question.

We’d love to answer it! Please email us!