My Husband, The Cyborg Review: Self-Reflective Sci-Fi

A woman holds a phone and accompanies a blindfolded man through a park in the film My Husband, The Cyborg

My Husband, The Cyborg becomes repetitive as marital issues steer the narrative and the technological element fades into the background.

Director: Susanna Cappellaro
Genre: Documentary
Run Time: 93′
US & UK Release Date: February 14, 2025
Where to Watch: Digital & VOD

“I want it just to become part of me so that I have a greater sense of the world. It makes perfect sense to me.” These are the words spoken by Scott, who is the subject of the new sci-fi documentary My Husband, The Cyborg. And trust me when I say that the title of this film captures the wackiness of the experiment it explores.

The “it” that Scott refers to in his quote is technology; in My Husband, The Cyborg, he undergoes a procedure to have two metal rods implanted into his chest. The idea is that, after the device is installed, he will be able to feel the magnetic field of a planet when facing north, and become more conscious of his surroundings. While our subject finds this experiment to be an exciting and fascinating experience, his wife Susanna Cappellaro (who directed and produced the film) considers the idea completely absurd. Therefore, she chooses to document the entire event, highlighting her husband’s experience and, even more so, her own.

After the rods are installed, Scott’s body continuously rejects the metal, and he experiences constant pain. As a result, he undergoes numerous procedures to have them replaced. Over the course of 32 months, it becomes clear that his decision to become a cyborg comes at a cost. Due to the discomfort that he feels in his chest, Susanna is unable to hug her husband, and it’s only a matter of time before he becomes increasingly irritable.

Throughout My Husband, The Cyborg’s runtime, we start to see the pair constantly bicker and butt heads. While Susanna believes the experiment is affecting their marriage, Scott adopts a more accepting attitude, viewing it as just how things are now in their lives.

A young man wears a face mask and looks at a bald shirtless man in the film My Husband, The Cyborg
My Husband, The Cyborg (Cyborg’s Wife)

My Husband,The Cyborg, is an intriguing idea that demonstrates how extraordinary technology is, but thirty minutes into the documentary, I couldn’t help but begin to lose interest. Once the rods are fitted into Scott’s chest and he enters the real world in his altered state, the film becomes much less about the science behind the device, and much more about how such a unique life experience starts to impact Scott and Susanna’s marriage significantly.

While this is part of the process, and no one could have predicted what would occur after the device was installed, the film quickly becomes unremarkable. The moments that explore Scott’s altered state as a cyborg are few and far between, as his arguments with Susanna take center stage instead. The problem with this is that many viewers will watch the documentary to see Scott’s experience as a human-machine hybrid rather than witness multiple disagreements between two people they don’t know who are facing challenges they can’t relate to.

The human aspects explored in the documentary are crucial to the experience. However, the couple’s inability to see eye to eye becomes repetitive and dull. Though the technological elements in My Husband, The Cyborg are truly fascinating, this documentary lacks the substance to make its runtime worthwhile. Instead, it focuses more on the fallout of Scott’s decision and how this substantially impacts his and his wife’s relationship.

What starts as a unique documentary becomes somewhat tedious and is overshadowed by the most alluring aspects—the technology and science—which take a major back seat.

My Husband, The Cyborg: Movie Plot & Recap


After Susanna’s husband, Scott, undergoes a procedure to become a cyborg, their relationship begins to stand the test of time.


  • Some viewers may find the human elements interesting, based on how bonkers the idea is
  • The installation of the device at the beginning of the documentary is fascinating to watch


  • The disagreements between the couple become repetitive, and the documentary could have shaved off a significant amount of its runtime
  • Most people watching the film for the technological element will be disappointed by its lack of in-depth exploration 
  • With an idea as fascinating as a human become a cyborg, the documentary feels rather uninspiring

Get it on Apple TV

My Husband, The Cyborg will be now available to watch on digital platforms in the UK and US from February 14, 2025.

My Husband, The Cyborg: Film Trailer (Cyborg’s Wife)

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