One From the Heart: Reprise Film Review
Francis Ford Coppola’s ethereal musical One From the Heart, now available in Reprise, a deserved new restoration, is a treat for your senses.
10 Underappreciated Films of 2023
2023 left behind many films that deserve more love or attention. From Monster to Silent Night, let’s look at 10 underappreciated films of 2023!
Head Count Film Review: Maths Under Pressure
With a stranger pointing his own gun at his head, Kat must find a way to retrace his steps and Head Count how many bullets are left in the chamber.
Lover Stalker Killer Review: Online Dating Turns Deadly
Netflix’s documentary Lover, Stalker, Killer reflects the dangers of online dating and the fake personas individuals can hide behind a screen.
Melbourne Short Film Festival 2024
From riveting documentaries to hilarious animation, the 2024 Melbourne Short Film Festival offered 12 unique stories and gave a platform to filmmakers from around the world.